The Dapsimni Film Media Arts Center runs a unique educational program that combines AR character creation and short-form content creation for upper elementary school students ( grades 4-6 ) . This program, in which children participate with their guardians, provides children with the opportunity to let their imagination run wild and implement it with digital technology .
Dapsimni Film Media Art Center is launching a creative education program for upper elementary school students under the theme of “ Meeting the World with AR 2 – Creating Short-form Films with AR Characters . ” This program provides children with the opportunity to draw their own imaginary characters and participate in the process of moving them using AR ( Augmented Reality ) technology .
Children will digitally transform their own drawn characters and bring them to life using AR technology . They will be able to see the characters move through their smart devices , and will also gain experience recording their own voices to create short- form video content . Short – form content refers to a short and impactful video format that has recently become popular on YouTube Shorts and TikTok .
This program is designed for children and their guardians to participate together . With one application, guardians and children can participate in the program together . Since it is education for elementary school upper grades in particular , it includes practical training using smart devices , and participation is not possible if you do not have a smartphone or tablet . However, the threshold for participation has been lowered because the guardian’s smartphone can be used instead .
Experiencing AR technology using smart devices provides children with an opportunity to improve their digital literacy . Additionally , guardians and children can share the creative process together and spend more meaningful time together .
Through this program, Dapsimni Film Media Art Center aims to provide children with the technical foundation to realize their creative imagination into reality . Beyond simply learning AR technology , it also enhances storytelling skills through the process of creating characters and telling stories .
For children in the upper grades of elementary school, who are a generation accustomed to using smart devices, this is an opportunity to naturally combine technology and creativity . At the same time, guardians can closely watch their children learn how to use digital technology positively .
Dapsimni Film Media Art Center is offering a special experience that combines creativity and technology through “ Meet the World with AR 2.” This program, which children and their guardians participate in , brings imagination and digital technology into reality and opens up new possibilities for the creative environment of the future .
For inquiries : 02-2247-4013
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