Goyang Special City will conduct **’2025 Personal Mobility Device (PM) Safety Education’** free of charge every month to prevent safety accidents among users of personal mobility devices (PM) and to spread proper usage culture. The education target is Goyang citizens aged 16 or older, and education applications will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis.
Goyang Special City announced that it will conduct ‘2025 Personal Mobility Device (PM) Safety Education’ regularly every month to raise citizens’ safety awareness and prevent accidents as the number of safety accidents has rapidly increased along with the recent increase in the use of personal mobility devices (PM).
This training is for Goyang citizens aged 16 or older, and will provide systematic and professional safety training in collaboration with the Korea Road Traffic Authority. The training will be held at the 13th bicycle safety training center at the south gate of Goyang Sports Complex, and participants can receive training for free.
The main contents of the training are as follows:
▲ Personal Mobility Device (PM) Traffic Laws and Usage Rules
▲ Understand the risk factors and risks of accidents that may occur during use
▲ Education on preventive measures through watching accident cases
The training will last approximately one hour and is theory-focused, and participants are expected to experience the importance of safety rules through actual accident cases.
The first safety education is scheduled to be held on Friday, January 24th, and citizens who wish to participate in the education can apply through the Goyang Special City Integrated Reservation Center or by **phone application (☎031-8075-2827)** by Thursday, January 16th. Recruitment will be on a first-come, first-served basis.
In addition, if an organization or group wishes to receive on-site training, they can apply by phone, and after consultation, the training schedule and location will be coordinated, and then a professional instructor will visit the organization to provide the training.
A Goyang City official said, “It is most important to follow safety rules when using personal mobility devices (PMs),” and “We hope that this safety training will be of great help in preventing safety accidents and establishing a proper usage culture among citizens.”
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