Sejong City presents a vision for a sustainable future with nuclear fusion energy

Sejong City presents a vision for a sustainable future with nuclear fusion energy

On the 15th, Sejong Special Self-Governing City invited Oh Young-guk, the director of the Korea Fusion Energy Research Institute, to the city hall’s women’s room to hold a special lecture on the topic of “Fusion Energy and Eco-friendly Energy Paradigm.” This lecture was designed to share a vision for sustainable future energy and increase public servants’ and public institution officials’ understanding of related fields.

About 100 Sejong City employees and public institution officials attended the event and heard about the latest trends in nuclear fusion energy research and Korea’s development strategy.

Sejong City presents a vision for a sustainable future with nuclear fusion energy

[Korean Today] Special lecture by Oh Young-guk, President of Korea Fusion Energy Research Institute © Reporter Lee Yoon-joo

Nuclear fusion power is a method of generating energy through the fusion reaction of light atomic nuclei such as deuterium and tritium. This process is called the “artificial sun” because it is similar to the principle by which the sun creates energy, and is attracting attention as a next-generation energy source that provides high stability without emitting greenhouse gases.

Director Oh Young-guk introduced the latest research results in nuclear fusion energy technology, focusing on the Korean Star (KSTAR) and International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) projects. He emphasized that nuclear fusion power generation will not only have economic effects because it can produce stable and highly efficient energy, but will also have a significant impact on the environment as it produces zero greenhouse gas emissions.

In addition, he explained the research institute’s efforts in technology development and the strategy to accelerate the commercialization of nuclear fusion energy, and suggested that continuous attention and fostering of related industries are necessary for Sejong City to develop into a leading city in eco-friendly energy amid the energy paradigm shift.

The Korea Institute of Fusion Energy is the only nuclear fusion research institute in Korea, playing a key role in the development of KSTAR, participation in the ITER project, and securing nuclear fusion energy source technology. Through these efforts, the institute is contributing to leading the future energy era.

Sejong City plans to use this lecture as an opportunity to concretize sustainable energy policies and urban development directions, and to lay the foundation for advancing into an eco-friendly city by utilizing future technologies such as nuclear fusion energy.

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