Seodaemun-gu holds New Year's greetings and pledges to 'make dreams come true in Seodaemun'

Seodaemun-gu holds New Year's greetings and pledges to 'make dreams come true in Seodaemun'

Seodaemun-gu held the ‘2025 New Year’s Greetings’ at the Seodaemun Culture and Sports Center on January 15. About 1,500 people including residents, representatives of professional organizations, and small business owners attended the event, and shared the vision of ‘realizing Seodaemun with 200% happiness that turns dreams into reality.’

Seodaemun-gu Mayor Lee Seong-heon explained the key tasks through a presentation, which are to become ▲a rapidly growing central city ▲a comfortable, luxurious healing city ▲an educational and cultural city ▲a healthy and welfare city ▲an economically growing city.

Seoul Mayor Oh Se-hoon also attended and announced major business plans related to Seodaemun-gu, including the construction of a municipal library, a complex healing park, and the construction of the western light rail line.

In particular, Professor Emeritus Kim Hyung-seok of Yonsei University, a 105-year-old philosopher, attended the event and gave a New Year’s address. Professor Kim received a lot of applause when he said, “Let’s make this a happy year through love and sharing.”

The head of the Seodaemun-gu branch of the Korean Senior Citizens Association, members of the National Assembly, and the president of Yonsei University also sent video messages wishing for the happiness and development of the residents, and time was also set aside for residents to share their wishes for the new year.

Starting with this New Year’s greeting, Seodaemun-gu plans to actively pursue various projects for regional development, such as undergrounding the Gyeongui Line, activating youth entrepreneurship, and upgrading healing attractions. In particular, it plans to focus on developing Seongsan-ro in front of Yonsei University and utilizing idle railroad land to create specialized startup and medical hubs and cultural spaces.

In addition, we plan to strengthen health and welfare policies such as expanding discounts on public postpartum care center fees and expanding care services, and strive to improve the quality of life of residents.

Seodaemun-gu holds New Year's greetings and pledges to 'make dreams come true in Seodaemun'

[Korean Today] Seodaemun-gu, New Year’s Greetings © Reporter Jeong Su-yeon

Seodaemun-gu Mayor Lee Seong-heon said, “I will keep my promise to make residents’ dreams come true in order to make Seodaemun-gu a leap forward,” and “I will work with the district council to ensure that all district administration is run normally.”

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