On December 31, 2024, a special moment unfolded in Guri City. Jeong Hae-min, who has been dedicated to the local community, received a commendation from the Gyeonggi Province Governor, and his efforts and love shone through.
Jeong Hae-min has been actively involved as the vice-chairman and director of the Guri City Korean Senior Citizens Association, the auditor of the Yulcheon Environmental Volunteer Corps for the physically challenged, and the president of the Samteo Senior Citizens Center, and has had a profound impact on the changes in the local community, both large and small. His award this time was a moment that symbolized the fruits of the warm community he has created.
Devotion and dedication to the region
Mr. Jeong Hae-min has brought about continuous positive changes in the local community beyond his simple position. As the deputy director of the senior citizens’ association, he has taken the lead in the happiness and rights of senior citizens, and has contributed to protecting the local environment through the activities of the Yulcheon Environmental Volunteer Corps. In addition, as a physically disabled auditor, he has provided courage and strength to his disabled neighbors, and as the president of the Samteo Senior Center, he has worked to provide senior citizens with a place of rest and communication.
His dedicated work has been an example to many, and his sincere efforts have provided warm comfort and hope to local residents.
The farewell ceremony held on the last day of 2024 became even more special when Jeong Hae-min received the Governor’s Award. Upon receiving the award, he said humbly, “What I have done is something that everyone has achieved together. This award is not mine alone, but the community’s award.” He also pledged, “I will continue to work hard to make Guri City a warmer and more hopeful place in the future.”
A name the community will remember, Jeong Hae-min
Jeong Hae-min is a person who has personally practiced the spirit of sharing and love while breathing together with Guri City. His efforts have enriched the lives of all members of the community, and his footsteps will continue to inspire many people in the future. This governor’s award is a meaningful award that commemorates his dedication, and will be a warm legacy left to the community.
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