During the Joseon Dynasty, the homes of high-ranking officials were usually surrounded by high walls and tightly closed gates . However, Prime Minister Yu’s home was different . Since there was no gate or wall, anyone could come and learn and share . It was an open space where learning was spread and strength was given to neighbors and the community .
[ Korean Today ] Lee Su-gwang’s house Biudang, which carries on the spirit of Usan-gak, the house where Ha Jeong-ryu Gwan lived ( Photo provided by : Dongdaemun-gu Office ) ⓒ Reporter Park Chan-doo |
Unlike the houses of high-ranking officials, which had many servants and had gates and high walls , the houses of high-ranking officials had no gates or walls . Anyone could easily come and go from his house .
Not only the scholars from the countryside who came up to Hanyang to take the civil service examination , but also the children of the noble class and young officials came to learn from his advanced knowledge and experience . He did not discriminate between social status and rank . He treated everyone who came to him with an open attitude, whether they were nobles or commoners .
“ So , what did you come to learn from me ?”
Prime Minister Yoo did not ask about the person’s status or the names of his parents .
Those who came
“ I am a person who lives where , and my grandfather is ○○○ , the head of the Tonghoon Department .”
When introduced as such , he said this .
“ I am satisfied that you have asked to be my disciple . It does not concern me whose grandson you are .”
His attitude was ahead of its time .
They only listened to the passion and will to learn , and the class or family background did not matter .
As the rumor spread that ‘ Yu Jeongseung teaches everyone ‘ , many people came to his house to ask to learn .
Prime Minister Yu was not stingy in helping his poor neighbors or relatives . If it was for the good of the community, he readily offered a helping hand without being entangled in personal interests .
One day, a villager came and complained .
“ There is a stream in our village, and when the water level is high, it is difficult to pass . The villagers want to build a bridge, but they do not have enough funds .”
Before he could even finish asking for help, Prime Minister Yoo spoke .
“ It is a natural thing for a country to do such things . But how wonderful it is that the people themselves are stepping up . I should also contribute a little .”
He willingly gave up his fortune .
Another came and said :
“ Our 6th generation ancestor served as the mayor of Seoul and was an envoy to the Qing Dynasty . I would like to build a shrine for him in my hometown, but my family’s circumstances are difficult, so I am asking for help .”
Prime Minister Yoo readily promised to help, saying that it was a good thing to find one’s roots and honor one’s ancestors .
In this way, his assistance went beyond a personal request and was provided in a way that respected the development of the community and the spiritual values of the individual .
Prime Minister Yu’s house had no front door . However, there was a bigger door in that house . It was his open mind that wanted to break down the walls of origin and social status and spread knowledge . He was also a practical leader . He shared his knowledge and wealth with the world, generously helping his poor neighbors and the community .
Our society today also has much to learn . The spirit of providing opportunities without prejudice and discrimination and sharing what one has for the community is a timeless value . The life and spirit of Yu Jeong-seung still resonate with us today .
( Data provided by : Dongdaemun-gu Office Culture and Tourism Division Culture and Arts Team )
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